Friday, March 14, 2014

Seems Confusing To Call It the "Second First Friday Salon." Hmm?

I've decided I want to start an art club.  It turns out I'm not getting enough time sipping shiraz out of a paper cup and smoking a filterless cigarette that gently litters light grey ashes across my "Hades midnight" (black) organic cotton turtleneck.  Life is too short.

Ok, actually it's not really an art club, it's an artists' club.  Yep, I've been hitting the Seth Godin kool-aid again.

The idea, in it's beta version was released to the public during a delightful evening of beers, food, and conversation with two of the most genuine and admirable guys I know: Mike Proctor and Steve Hathaway.  The seed for that idea was planted by a lunch outing with my ex-boss and friend, Mark Swift just hours prior.  My brain-to-mouth turn-time is amazing, eh?  "Fuck it, Ship it!"

Initially, the idea was to form a monthly gathering of friends....just an assortment of the interesting, impressive, admirable, wickedly smart people that I've been blessed to have stumble on to my life's stage. Poor bastards!

You see, after returning from Mexico (and accentuated by our too-brief visit back to Oaxaca in January), Meredith and I have felt the withdrawal of no more fiestas de amigos. In Mexico we spent a good chunk of time in each month just hanging out with our friends - talking, making/enjoying music, drinking, laughing and saying God-only-knows-what to them in our half-assed Spanish.  Yet, here in the "Land of the Free, Home of the Brave" we have spent less time over seven months than we did there in any given month doing anything similar to those Mexican social gatherings. HELL, I spend more time in my fucking car in traffic each week than I do truly, actively "in" my friendships!!

Perhaps, I could see more of my friends (and they could see more of each other) if I made it a bit more "scheduled."  Nothing more formal than a happy-hour after work would at least be something...if not the first step towards something even more "real," and intimate, and meaningful.

Many years ago....ok, MANY, MANY years ago, my girlfriend and I started something similar.  Most of us were in our twenties and dispersing geographically across the metro area.  News was slow to make the rounds. Job changes and relationship changes could happen and once-close friends might found out only months later via some shared contact.

This wasn't just pre-Facebook. This was pre-(public)-Internet, BITCHES!!!!

We started the First Friday social club and convinced enough people to join us for cocktails and appetizers and, most importantly, conversation, on that designated evening each month.  We emphasized it wasn't a party or a dining event. It was a chance to catch up with a special group of people.....friends who had many years together.....friends who were now noticing that life was pulling them apart and the bonds would wither without some effort.

Eventually, we started rotating the location among the homes of the participants.  And it grew.  And, I believe, it became a meaningful event to all of us. Time marched on and more changes came and went just like the seasons.

So, I want to do it again.  I want to spend more time hearing the thoughts and laughter of the clever, funny people I know.  I want to see what happens when those who don't know each other make acquaintances. I want to share more of the nifty, amazing, awe-inspiring, silly, inspiring things I stumble across.  And I want my friends to do the same so we can determine if maybe these types of honest intimacy are the true jewels we ignore in the crazy-lust of consumerism that seems to be America. Thus, it's time for a new salon!

More details to follow.  In the meantime, Id love to hear your thoughts on starting, conducting or nurturing the growth of a salon? Care to join us?

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