Saturday, December 7, 2013

UPS Can Only Carry So Much (Without Help From You)

I have a love/hate relationship with SharePoint's User Profile Synchronization Service App.  I LOVE it when I get it working but I hate it when the deployment doesn't work as MS would like you to believe it should go.  I was going to say "doesn't go as expected" but anybody who has wrestled with UPS knows that it's almost expected it won't work.  In all fairness, the more I've done it, the better my success rate (our of the gate) has become.  It really comes down to be meticulous about doing each and every step along the way.  See this earlier post for the references you MUST read when messing with the full FIM-based UPS deployment/configuration/re-configuration:

Anyway, here is another reference I also spend more time looking for than I should.  Thus this entry so I have my scratchpad to refer to.

When trying to determine which AD/User object properties get imported or can be set for bi-directional sync (using full FIM-based UPS, not the 2007/2013 AD-basic one-way-only sync!), this is the reference:

So when certain fields in your users' profiles aren't populating and you've confirmed they ARE filled in on the user object in your domain's Active Directory, make sure that this list confirms they actually are carried over into SharePoint profiles by UPS.