Sunday, October 4, 2009

What Took You So Long?

  • Often things ARE as bad as they seem.
  • Even so, some of the time it's possible to enjoy life as it is.
  • But the better anyting gets, the more you will miss it when it's gone.
  • Why grieve when nothing helps? We cry because nothing helps.
  • If you stubbornly refuse to mourn your losses, you get depressed.
  • Revenge is a form of nostalgia.
  • Suicide can be a case of mistaken identity.
  • What's a person to do about feeling helpless? For a while there's just no way to see what's funny about being stuck.
  • At last, a cry out in anguish: "Why me?" God answers "Why not?"
  • You CAN so stand it!
  • After all, it's only pain.
  • What makes it seem unbearable is your mistaken belief that it can be cured.
  • Everything is difficult at first.
  • I have never begun any important venture for which I felt adequately prepared.
  • Not everything worth doing is worth doing right.
  • Without knowing for sure what is right or wrong, take your best shot.
  • There's just NO way to get it all straight. Mistakes are inevitable.
  • Control is an illusion.
  • You wait for everything to be all right, knowing all the while that the next problem is already in the mail.
  • Life just keeps coming at you.
  • Complaining can become a way of of boasting about how much suffering you can endure.
  • If we allow pain more of our attention than it requires, we lose some opportunities for joy.
  • Escape is not a dirty word. None of us can face what's happening head-on all of the time.
  • It's all right to pretend sometimes. The only danger lies in pretending that you are not pretending.