Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Waiting for TelMex

Tuesday August 23rd, 2011

Still no Internet today. The house’s property manager, Cipriano Ramos (who has been a HUGE help to us as we’ve been trying to get settled in here) called TelMex today and we went through the tier-1 tech support to no avail. There are supposed to send a technician out in “24 to 36 hours.”

At Teizcali school starts at 7:50AM. Since we don’t have a car we walk to school. Our _route_ takes about 20 to 25 minutes. Thus wake up time is around 6:15 or so. We are not a bright-and-early type of family so this early start time plus the one hour difference in time zones between Oaxaca and Denver, CO, USA means things are a bit grouchy around here.

After walking down to B’s school this morning I found out that TELMEX techs can show up well outside of American or Mexican “business hours.” They can seemingly come as early as 7 am and as late as 8pm….any day of the week. And if you miss them when they come you allegedly go to the bottom of the queue. I will not be leaving the house it seems.

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