Thursday, September 18, 2008

That giant sucking sound..... the Internet wasting your time.

Thanks to a splurt-buddy, I just stumbled into a teasing theory of McCain not being a legal citizen constitutionally qualified to be US president. It started with an email splurt regarding Obama's citizenship status, and from there into the McCain stuff and ever deeper into the Obama non-citizenship charges. Well, since Senators Clinton and Obama have already passed judgment on McCain's legitimacy, that leaves Obama for me to decide on. You can't totally trust anything you read on the Internet (or anywhere for that matter), but I think this will be good enough for me to lay the Obama theory in the bullshit category.

But, it isn't any worry of their Constitutional legitimacy that prevents me from voting for either of those two, it's the reality of the evisceration either of them will be doing to the Constitution come 1/20/2009 and beyond.

Federal Healthcare - The customer service of the TSA, the cost-control-management of the Department of Defense, and the efficacy of FEMA.

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