Friday, September 12, 2008

Thailand Vacation Anyone?

Stumbled on mentions of Koh Samet (aka Koh Samed). Sounds relaxing, though a bit of a jog to get there.

Though after turning 40 and going on my first all-inclusive resort vacation, I fear I'm turning into an ugly American (e.g. "Where the fuck is the Starbucks?) not that interested in negotiating the price of a rickshaw ride with people who make in a year what I earn in a week. But I haven't aged enough to not still be able to entertain romantic, idealistic thoughts of time with the honey on a secluded beach with only 8 hours of electricity a day ("Oh, my how we are roughing it, dear!").

So, anybody got thoughts on Inclusive versus backworlds basic seclcusion, Mexico/Caribbean v. Asia v. ??


Nicole said...

I gotta say I don't like barganing, i don't like not know what people are saying about me, i don't like weird bugs, i don't like small beds, and i definitely like my starbucks on the morning... I do indeed have friends that enjoy all that, but it's not me!

Denverbee said...

Sadly there are no true adventurers anymore.
Don't go or go and don't travel and tell...please Thailand...let us have are dreams not be interupted by your banal needs.
Peole have become just like microbiota....they exist in a very small space with a small selection of nutrients....lattes,a bed thats sits under a roof, garage door opener,and a recycle bin, and REI crap placed neatly in the gear room...aggh Do you think that when the cyanbacteria was firing up that it had any of this in mind?

Denverbee said...

Whoa...Maybe a good long dip in a cold anthropological bath would rid you of your ethnocentric scum. My heart doesn't cry for Argentina, but rather weeps for Papua New Guinea and the glorious headhunting tribe, Kombai.
They subsist on the starch of the Sago Palm. Their delicacy/riches is the sago grub! The sweet larva of the Capricorn Beetle.
Maybe in an ernstwhile existence you were a Dutch Missionary......dismantling the fine tuned machine of tribal life.
Be careful what you think is good.