Saturday, October 22, 2011

Handy Utility for Spanish Characters

This is a great little utility that makes it easy to create accented vowels and other textual characters needed when typing Spanish on a US keyboard.

E.g. ¿  ¡  á  é  í  ó  ú  ñ


Larry Ginzkey said...

I have to admit I'm posting this in part just to see how it works. On the topic, though: if you have an Apple computer, you already have access to any accent mark in any language you could conceivably want. In the main menu bar (at the top of the screen) click on "Edit", then click on "Special Characters" in the drop-down menu. That, in turn, will open a dialog box where you choose from a huge selection of special characters to spice up your text documents. Neat! - L.G.

Deron Dilger said...

Thank, Larry. Yes, this utility is for PC users who don't want to memorize the ALT- character codes (and assorted keystrokes to invoke them) nor hassle with the CharacterMap accessory.