Tuesday, June 9, 2009

In the belly of the whale

So being adverse to specialization and drawn (like a moth to a flame) towards generalization, I have greatly enjoyed Windows IT Pro's new(er) article "What Would Microsoft Do?" written by Michael Morales, an MS Global Escalation Services team Senior Escalation Engineer. Just when I finally learned how to get Windows to not create a memory dump when it crashes, Mr. Morales has started piquing my interest in understand how to use those memory dumps (and other debugging and troubleshooting logs / tools).

Perhaps it's my tendency to want to make the simple complicated, but time and again I find that having an understanding of HOW something works (which is often best learned by studying something when it is failing to work), leads to being an all around better user, administrator and designer of interconnected systems (e.g. Microsoft software/networks).

Anywho, kudos to Michael Morales....oh, and I assume this MM is NOT the more infamous M.A.M. but then, maybe that prison vocational training really paid off.

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