Wednesday, November 5, 2008

No Obama/Biden gushing here...

Though my family is elated that THEIR candidates walked away with the election. I myself am once again scratching my head regarding the electoral college. I tend to be biased towards the founding fathers when the issue is debatable (e.g. the age requirements for President, US Senator) and idealistically libertarian when it isn't (e.g. slavery is NOT tolerable - period). With the popular vote for President much closer than the electoral college results - O=53% of the votes cast for O or M, and M = 47%, but, 349 to 147 electoral votes (0=70%, M=30%) - it just seems strange. Not as bad as 2000 with the popular vote and electoral college at odds, though. Nonetheless, I admit to being discomforted by yet another apples to oranges oddity but I'll go with the founding fathers' design...for now. Oh, and let's not forget the "third-party" candidates' votes. E.g. My candidate - Bob Barr with maybe 0.4% of the popular vote.

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